Release Blitz + Giveaway: Laura Heffernan’s SWEET REALITY

  Release Date: September 5, 2017   Synopsis SUGAR, SEA SALT, AND SHOW BIZ Jen Reid’s life after walking off a reality show has been great–she’s gone from being a broke twenty-four-year-old Seattleite with no love life and no job to the twenty-five-year-old who got the guy, moved to Miami, and is starting a bakery with her best friend….

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The Awful Truth About Being a Mentor

I never sleep well the night before Pitch Wars reveals.  Will my mentee be happy with me? Will the people I didn’t pick be devastated? I toss and turn because I can’t stop thinking of all the very kind people who trusted me with their words, who sent me their hopes along with their hearts, and who are going…

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Dear PitchWars Mentees

WELCOME to the Pitch Wars family!! It is no mean feat to beat the odds and rise to the top of so much talent. So for one night, squeal and dance and do pointy poses of victory. For one night. For the day after, reality will come knocking. So party while you can. But drink a lot of water…

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Sneak Peek + Giveaway: Laura Heffernan’s SWEET REALITY

Release Date: September 5, 2017   Synopsis SUGAR, SEA SALT, AND SHOW BIZ Jen Reid’s life after walking off a reality show has been great–she’s gone from being a broke twenty-four-year-old Seattleite with no love life and no job to the twenty-five-year-old who got the guy, moved to Miami, and is starting a bakery with her best friend. She…

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#PitchWars Submission Window Advice

On August 27, the sub window will open and suddenly the vibe on the #PitchWars feed will change dramatically. Mentees will freak out about pulling the trigger, as everyone seems to be sending in their subs, but you’re not ready yet, and the mentors have suddenly gone dark. Panic sets in. First of all RELAX. You don’t have to submit…

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How to Prepare for #PitchWars

With the Pitch Wars submission window opening soon, it’s *probably* too late to be drafting your MS, but those of you twiddling your thumbs might be wondering what you can do now to prepare for Pitch Wars.  Well, I’m glad you asked because there is a LOT you can be doing to be as ready as possible. Polish your…

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How Does #PitchWars Work Exactly?

Pitch Wars is a contest started by Brenda Drake. You can read about it on the official site: This isn’t your average contest. You don’t just submit a query/250, get selected from the slush and then hosted for an agent round. You don’t just get a little feedback on your query/250 during a short window between selection and…

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New Book Announcement!

Book world gets weird on the other side of the portal — easier and harder in some ways. Easier because you’ve got a foot in the door so you can do things like sell a book on concept alone. Harder because you’ve got your foot in the door of a very specific building so you might not sell a…

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The Novel Tea Club

There’s this thing called the Novel Tea Club which is a great pun but also a cool concept. They box up some tea and a book and ship them out to their subscribers. Not sure how I ended up in this, but I ran across a couple of pics on Instagram. Cool! View this post on Instagram A post…

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4 Awesome Rock Star Romances

Musicians are my weakness, and rock star romances are a trope I never tire of. I don’t find myself as drawn to romances about actors or corporate big wigs in quite the same way. There’s something mysterious about the rocker. He can be the bad boy, the humble boy next door, or some combination, but he’s always sexy as…

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