New titles, new covers, new content

My motto this year is: Don’t lose your nerve. So I’m doing a thing based entirely on Id. I recently got my rights back on the first books I ever published: Some Kind of Magic and A Crazy Kind of Love. I’ve been wanting to revisit this series for years and now that this is in my power, I’m moving full,…

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Pitch Wars 2021 Wish List

If you’re unfamiliar with Pitch Wars, check out the Pitch Wars website for an explanation and a breakdown of the submission guidelines, dates, and other rules. Quick summary: I am co-mentoring adult with Laura Elizabeth this year. Please see her blog post here. We’ll be taking contemporary romance and fantasy romance. Scroll down for more details. Download a text-only pdf…

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Excerpt + Giveaway: Nefarious releases July 13

Warning: What you’re about to read is not a romance . . . Diabolical Wall Street traders, Dane Russ and Val Montgomery, vaulted into fame and fortune as the power duo of financial technology. But after they lost the internet trading company they built from the ground up to ruthless Geraldo Valencia, they had to tuck tail and run…

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NEFARIOUS Cover Reveal!

I have a cover for my contemporary NOT a romance NEFARIOUS, releasing July 13!   Nefarious Anyone who knows me well enough won’t be surprised that I would eventually write a book based on Dangerous Liaisons. You might be more familiar with another retelling of this classic French novel: Cruel Intentions. I’ve been so fascinated with Dangerous Liaisons since…

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I have a cover for my contemporary romance, releasing May 4! Scroll down to see! FALLING IN LUCK Mallory Pech believes she’s cursed. Injuries, accidents, and misunderstandings follow her wherever she goes. Even her name (first and last!) means bad luck. Her best friend, Benji Chance, insists Mallory’s fortune is hers to control. Heeding his advice, Mallory pursues her…

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PitchWars Cookie Edition

We’re going to play a game about subjectivity. Let’s imagine that instead of choosing a single book to work on, Pitch Wars was about cookies. Object: sample a variety of cookies sent in by hopefuls and choose ONE that you think you can improve sufficiently to merit your particular mentorship. My wish list might look like this: WHAT I…

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I hope you’re having an excellent July. I can’t believe it’s nearly over. I suddenly realized it’s been a long time since I’ve made a general update. I’ve decided I may start blogging more because sending newsletters feels like a BIG thing, whereas blogging feels like a relatively small commitment on both our parts. And I’m feeling pandemically inclined…

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Cover reveal: Kind of Famous

KIND OF FAMOUS Layla Beckett has a secret. For the past ten years, she’s run the most trafficked fan site on the Internet for her favorite band—under an alias, naturally. When she lands a job at the prestigious New York City music magazine The Rock Paper, she’s suddenly thrust into the world she’s only observed from the cheap seats….

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Interview with Book Blogger Jeannie Zelos

In my upcoming release, Dating By the Book, fantasy author Maddie gets a negative review on her own upcoming release. Although an author should never do this, Maddie decides to email the reviewer, which leads to a lively correspondence. Since we usually get to read author interviews on reviewers’ blogs, I thought it might be fun to turn the…

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Interview with Book Blogger Ginger

In my upcoming release, Dating By the Book, fantasy author Maddie gets a negative review on her own upcoming release. Although an author should never do this, Maddie decides to email the reviewer, which leads to a lively correspondence. Since we usually get to read author interviews on reviewers’ blogs, I thought it might be fun to turn the…

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Interview with Book Blogger Pamela Thompson McLeod

In my upcoming release, Dating By the Book, fantasy author Maddie gets a negative review on her own upcoming release. Although an author should never do this, Maddie decides to email the reviewer, which leads to a lively correspondence. Since we usually get to read author interviews on reviewers’ blogs, I thought it might be fun to turn the…

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I’m super excited that I get to share my cover for my next release: Dating By the Book   But first! The back cover copy! Is love just something you find in books? Six months ago, writer and bookstore owner Maddie Hanson was left at the altar. Since then, she’s had zero interest in romance—despite the fact that she…

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